Fitbit vs Apple Watch - Which is Better for Fitness Tracking?

May 02, 2022

Fitbit vs Apple Watch - Which is Better for Fitness Tracking?

Fitness trackers have become an important tool for anyone looking to maintain a healthy lifestyle. With so many options available in the market, choosing the right one can be overwhelming. Two of the most popular fitness trackers are the Fitbit and the Apple Watch. But which one is better for fitness tracking?

Fitbit vs Apple Watch

Both Fitbit and Apple Watch offer a range of fitness features, including heart rate monitoring, step tracking, and workout tracking. However, there are some key differences between the two.


The first and most obvious difference between the Fitbit and the Apple Watch is the design. The Fitbit is a dedicated fitness tracker and has a slim, lightweight design that is perfect for everyday wear. On the other hand, the Apple Watch is a smartwatch that offers a range of functions beyond fitness tracking. It has a larger, bulkier design that may not be as comfortable for some people.

Fitness Features

When it comes to fitness features, both the Fitbit and Apple Watch offer a range of options. Fitbit is known for its accurate step tracking and heart rate monitoring, while Apple Watch focuses on more advanced fitness tracking features, such as ECG recording and VO2 Max tracking.

Battery Life

Battery life is an important consideration for fitness trackers, and here again, there is a difference between the Fitbit and Apple Watch. The Fitbit has a longer battery life and can last up to five days on a single charge, while the Apple Watch typically lasts less than two days.


Price is also an important factor when choosing a fitness tracker. The Fitbit is generally more affordable, with prices starting at around $70. The Apple Watch, on the other hand, is more expensive, with prices starting at around $250.


So, which is better for fitness tracking - Fitbit or Apple Watch? The answer is that it depends on your needs. If you are looking for a dedicated fitness tracker that is lightweight and affordable, the Fitbit is a great choice. However, if you want a more advanced tracker that offers a range of functions beyond fitness, the Apple Watch is the better option.

Whatever your choice, be sure to look for additional features like smartphone notifications, and GPS tracking that allows you to see your location in real time, and both of these fitness trackers have these features.


  1. Fitbit
  2. Apple Watch

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